If you don't ask, you'll never know!We're not just here to do the work for you. We also love to help customers (and even people that aren't), by giving lots of advice about plumbing, home heating, and gas fitting. So if you if any questions or would like some information about anything plumbing, heating or gas related please feel free to contact us. You can find all of our details on our Contact Us page. What home heating options are available?There are a huge range of heating options that can be installed into your home. Each one has it's own advantages and disadvantages and which is right for you depends entirely on the type of home, your family situation, what you want from your heating system and of course your budget.
Radiant heating
HeatingHow you heat your home can mean the difference between a happy and an unhappy home.Heating is one of the most important considerations for a home owner or builder and yet for some reason it's often given the least thought. If you get it right your home will feel like an oasis of comfort and warmth. However if you get it wrong your home could end up as an uncomfortable and possibly even unhealthy place to live, leading to more winter illnesses for your family along with inefficient use of your heating budget. In most European countries home heating is a major decision for homeowners and a central heating system is considered normal. On the other hand, here in New Zealand we still put up with inadequate heating and live in cold homes well below the World Health Organisation's 18-21 degree minimum temperature requirements. The reason for this often isn't through lack of trying but rather a lack of knowledge about which heating system is best for each home and family. Did you know that most New Zealand homes have the wrong heating system for their needs?